Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tarot Card...again

Another eerily accurate tarot card for today; it's quite reflective of my current state of being. Good thing knitting is tonight at the local pub so I can "spend time with friends and commune over drinks." I think I'll skip shaking my groove thing though, I'm a little sore from yoga.

**The Three of Chalices card suggests that you've worked hard to attain some level of success in your pursuit of happiness and love, but there will always be more to achieve. Take some time off to acknowledge your current success. Give yourself a pat on the back, spend time with your friends, commune over drinks or shake your groove thing without fear of being judged. Celebrate who and where you are right now without becoming bogged down by the end result of your search for love. Find reason to be joyful and grateful along the way. Revel in the pleasure and companionship of your peers, and indulge in the support of group empowerment without trying to make a love connection. You might find that you not only light up the room, but exude beauty, courage and confidence that make you more attractive and receptive to romance.**

Three good things:
1. More mysticism is always intriguing.
2. I get to see the all the knitting ladies tonight, which is always a good thing.
3. My mission today is to be happy with who I am and where I am. I like this assignment :)

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