Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back from Vegas...again!

I just returned home late last night from another weekend in Vegas with Paulo. I take it as a mark of great respect that he welcomed me to come in for a visit during his week-long poker vacation with his buddy. To me, that says a lot about how much he trusts me. How many guys would happily invite their woman down to Las Vegas during a poker-fest? Not too many.

Admittedly, we had to have a few long and careful talks about what the expectations should be surrounding time together and activities before I bought my plane tickets. But, in the end, I really think we overcame any hesitation and successfully navigated our way through a potential relationship minefield. He had total freedom to play poker whenever he wanted to - I was well supplied with comfortable walking shoes, a good book, and my bathing suit. Paulo instructed me to charge any food or beverages to the room and did take me out to a very nice dinner at our favorite restaurant. The dinner was especially fun because I got to meet and hang out with another of Paulo's good friends.

I periodically visited the poker room, making the other players jealous of Paulo by wearing hot little dresses and rubbing his shoulders as he whiled away the hours at cards. Several times players from other tables tried to woo me away from Paulo with promises of a commission to give them a shoulder rub. Well provisioned by my sweetheart, I felt no temptation to take them up on their offers.

It was a little sad to leave yesterday evening; I wanted to stay in Vegas and go back to the pool, curling up with Paulo at night. However, as I reached my door some time in the wee hours of the morning after driving home from the airport I could hear my cat plaintively meowing inside my apartment. She'd heard me coming up the stairs and was waiting for me to dig out my keys and come pet her. I suppose it's not that bad to be home after all - there is a creature here, too, who loves me and wants to be around me. It took away the gloomy clouds of leaving my darling.

Three good things:
1. I have, again, reaffirmed that I'm a kick-ass girlfriend.
2. Paulo comes home tomorrow.
3. My kitty cat is a loveable ball of fur who earns her keep by being so cute and excited when I come home.

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